This online counselling and psychotherapy service offers modern trauma-focused therapies to help you heal yourself from past and present emotional and psychological problems.

In a friendly way, we can work together to promote and restore your health and well-being. How? By using a combination modern trauma therapies: EMDR (eye-movement desensitistion and reprocessing) and IFS (Internal Family Systems' therapy).

'Trauma' is seen as an emotional 'wound', such as: being unloved by a parent, or being bullied at school, or dealing with a divorce. Once we have found your traumatic memory, processed, and then healed your wounded 'part', you can reclaim ownership of your self. 

As author and physician Gabor Mäté says: “All of the diagnoses that you deal with - depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar illness, post traumatic stress disorder, even psychosis, are significantly rooted in trauma." 

Thank you and hope to hear from you. 

Therapies offered

EMDR Therapy Sessions

EMDR Therapy Sessions

I can help you overcome trauma through Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a popular therapy. It is like resetting or rebooting the software of your nervous system that has become dysregulated because of a shock or adverse incident.

This isn't only single issues like an RTA or an assault. But also deeper long-term problems like neglect or shame from abuse, neglect and abandonment. Even codependency and  attachment issues can be helped by processing out trauma stored in your nervous system. When we do this your sense of self improves and your whole body is restored to good health.

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)

Discover and befriend your inner world using IFS and live your authentic Self. Internal Family Systems is a modern popular trauma-informed therapy where we focus and befriend parts of you that are too busy or shut down, like panic or depression. The assumption is that these parts of your nervous system have been wounded in some way. 

 Imagine that you are the conductor of an orchestra. You sense of self is the conductor and you are conducting the instruments (parts) of your self, some of which are playing and behaving nicely. Say for example a part is overplaying you might develop OCD or anxiety. The task is to begin to regulate that part so it is under your control. 

More info
Online therapy & counselling

Online therapy & counselling

If you would like regular counselling and psychodynamic therapy this is absolutely a good way to go, focusing on the therapeutic relationship. Over a period of time you can discuss in confidence any aspect of your life: relationships, career, sexuality, fears, ambitions, grieving. If you have medical and health problems we can discuss these and use various techniques and approaches to addressing your concerns. This can include coaching and professional issues

Legacy and ancestral burdens

Legacy and ancestral burdens

Imagine yourself walking along a hilly track with a bulging backpack. You can feel the weight of it, the baggage and bits and pieces of a lifetime. It is often worth wondering if the baggage you carry actually belongs to you. Maybe it belongs to your ancestor? Often this is called transgenerational (handed down) or intergenerational (more shared out everywhere) trauma. We can process and unburden these burdens and often hand them back to your ancestors. Or help your relatives let go in other ways. Perhaps this relates to karma. Often our ancestors also bestow blessings and gifrs, which we can newly invite back into us. 

Integrating modern trauma-informed approaches to therapy

Based in Canterbury in the UK, I have worked in the NHS for over 24 years in liaison psychiatry services, and A&E departments, and the general hospital, and GP surgeries in east Kent.

I have been a manager of an NHS Crisis Team in South London and a clinical nurse specialist in liaison psychiatry. I also trained at Kings College London and the Institute of Psychiatry. 

 I am registered with the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy; I am registered with the UK's EMDR Association.

And also with the Internal Family Systems Institute and i am a trained practitioner in IFS. I have completed further training in attachment-focused EMDR; and intergrative IFS/EMDR training to bring these two therapies together. 

I often use some mindful techniques, from Vipassana meditation to invite some awareness of reactivity and bodily sensation. This includes visualisation, with somatic approaches like tapping. 

I also belong to some groups who advocate walking as a source of healing and recovery, particularly following pilgrimage routes. I have been a candidate of of the Independent Group of Analytical Psychologists for many years, which embraces the work of Carl Jung. 

I really like George Orwell and was a judge on the Orwell Dystopian Fiction Prize this year. In many ways our parts have some difficult stories to tell.



Get in touch

Hi, Please send me a message and I'll get back to you the same day.

Alternatively you can email me on [email protected] or telephone 44 07525 456544.

All correspondence and information sent is confidential.

I offer a free 30 minute zoom or video consultatation or phone call. 

All the best & thank you.

Johnnie Taylor 

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