Befriending your busy 'OCD' ruminating parts.

Dec 07, 2023

Understanding Your Busy 'Front End'

The term 'front end' is often used in the tech world to describe the user interface of a software or website. However, in this context, we are using it to describe the busy, intellectualising parts of our minds. These are the parts that are constantly analysing, planning, and problem-solving. While these skills are essential, they can also become overwhelming if we don't balance them with our more intuitive, 'back end' parts.

Befriending Your 'Front End'

So, how do we befriend these busy parts of our minds? The first step is to recognise that they are not our enemies. They are simply doing their best to keep us safe and successful. However, like a well-meaning friend who gives too much advice, they can become overbearing. The key is to find a way to work with them, rather than against them.

Recognising the Signs

How do you know when your 'front end' is in overdrive? Some common signs include feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or constantly 'on edge'. You may find it hard to relax, even when you have time to do so. You might also notice that you're always thinking about what you need to do next, rather than being present in the moment.

Creating a Dialogue

Once you've recognised the signs, the next step is to create a dialogue with your 'front end'. This might sound strange, but it's a powerful way to gain insight into your thought patterns. Start by asking yourself questions like "What am I worried about?" or "What problem am I trying to solve?" By understanding your concerns, you can start to address them in a more balanced way.

Strategies for Balance

There are several strategies you can use to balance your busy 'front end'. One of the most effective is mindfulness, which involves focusing on the present moment without judgement. This can help you to step back from your thoughts and see them for what they are: just thoughts, not facts.

mindfulness meditation

Practising Mindfulness

Practising mindfulness can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breath. You can also try activities like yoga or meditation, which are designed to help you connect with your body and quiet your mind. Remember, the goal is not to stop thinking, but to change your relationship with your thoughts.

Seeking Support

If you're finding it hard to balance your 'front end', it can be helpful to seek support. This could be a trusted friend or family member, a coach, or a mental health professional. Remember, it's okay to ask for help. You don't have to do this alone.

Embracing Your